Sunday, February 14, 2010

I Love Stripes!

.....and Toile! Together what beautiful things can be made. I've been thinking about making another handbag/life toting bag type of thing and was inspired by a couple other blogs I read to try this type of bag, so I did. I've got a day planner thing-y that is too big to fit in the bag I currently carry, (I know, I know I'm outdated, they've got these handheld wireless things now, but I'm just not that into those, I'm not a techno geek.) besides, when I wear that one I always have to readjust the straps. It's as aggravating as loose bra straps! I made the yellow one first and liked it but wanted more pockets, and needed them on the inside so I made two outsides out of this fabric and sewed them together, WAY better. Besides I liked this fabric better anyway.

Lined and with oh so many pockets!
A yellow version, just needs a liner or to finish off the inside seams, cannot decide.
Another project I finished up (except the hem) this weekend. I've had this fabric for over a year now, because I bought it when I saw it but couldn't quite decide what to do with it. I made the shirt first and finally found a zipper that matches for the skirt. The original hemline on the skirt won't work for me, I've got crazy legs and need the hemline in just the right place for it to work. I'll probably have my mom help with that as it's hard to do that myself and have it come out straight.

1 comment:

  1. Barb, the grunt!Saturday, March 13, 2010

    Twistie, that is going to be a lovely color on you! The stripy thing, well, is a bit of a challenge for a messed up vestibular system like mine! It sure is cunnin'! I love the old fashioned way too, write it down. Collect it in one place. My husband, RB says "I don't understand her filing system, but she has more info she can find in an instant." This is true, until dropped in a sink full of water, soap and dishes...I HAD a fine filing system! REDO!


So what's the view from your world about that? I'd enjoy hearing it.