Sunday, January 31, 2010

Family Fun Day!

Our local land trust stewards hosted a Family Fun Day today which the kids and I attended. We brought snow shoes, others brought skis and some brought sleds, it was only 21 degrees, (a heat wave compared to the past few days!) so they made a bonfire to warm up next to after you came back from one of the above mentioned activities. There was a table filled with brownies and cookies and another with hot chocolate, tea and coffee. It looked delish, but truthfully, I did not want to pry myself away from the fire, I was too cold! (Note to self, next time wear the long underwear!)

What a nice way to meet more of the locals and get some fresh air and exercise. I had an interesting conversation with a local farmer about GMO's, (don't even get me started!) herbicides, organics and dairy farming, these were my kind of people and though this is not every persons cup of tea, or hot chocolate as it were, I found it stimulating and enjoyable. What?! talking about the digestive bacteria in the rumen of a cow or goat is not part of your average conversation? I'm sorry.

Next to the trail on one of the walking loops is this "glacial erratica" I think that's what it is called. I was expecting something more, to me it looks like a large rock to others though it's a glacial erratica. You say tomato.... The kids saw an opportunity to see if they could conquer it. They did. We enjoyed our afternoon and all hope they do this again.

1 comment:

So what's the view from your world about that? I'd enjoy hearing it.