Saturday, September 18, 2010

chicken legs

This little hen has got to be one of the strangest looking hens ever! She's one of the barneys that we hatched this spring, what a crazy looking bird! She's got feathered cheeks like an Araucana, except they are white, a brownish body and BLUE legs! I cannot wait to see what color eggs she lays, given the track record of the weirdness of the farm they're likely to be square and purple!


  1. So, chicken legs, huh? Yours, or the feathered ones?

  2. Awww, she's adorable. Does she have a name? Be sure and let us know what color she DOES lay!

  3. I really like the human legs in the top photo!

  4. She looks just like my Hannah. She is part Aracauna and part Rhode Island Red. I love her puffy cheeks!
    Hannah lays light brown eggs, wonder what you'll get out of your mixed hen?

  5. The blue legs mean she has the blue egg laying gene, she sounds like an americauna hen. They come in all colours with the fancy ear muffs! I have some in the barn and they lay smaller blue eggs almost everyday.


So what's the view from your world about that? I'd enjoy hearing it.