This the last day of this challenge and I'm glad I was able to participate in it again and both years when I'm done I feel like it's gone too quickly, 30 days is not enough time to list all of the things I'm thankful for. So here are a few more things I'm very thankful for; some more than others, but thankful just the same.
1. my hot and toasty electric blanket, it' makes crawling into bed at the end of a long hard day in an unheated bedroom tolerable!
2. a good supportive bra or 2 or 20...
3. a great fitting pair of jeans and my cowboy boots!
4. Bridger
5. the digital camera
6. the kindness of strangers during this year with Ron's health.
7. being able to pay the toll for the person behind me on the interstate or buying the person behind me in line at dunkin dounts a hot chocolate and wishing them a good day or a Merry Christmas.
8. great neighbors
9. a mother-in-law who serves meals for three vegetarians and a mostly meat eating family and makes sure there are delicious options for both.
10. Tyler's giggle
11. Andrews gentle heart
12. the nurturing side of Faith
13. vitamins and whole body and soul nourishing food
14. Garlic - my horse eh, the food too ;-)
15. flowers
16. cilantro - basil pesto
17. wood heat
and there are so many more. This was just a few off the top of my head. I started reading a book about making a list of 1000 things that we consider gifts, I couldn't finish the book because of time and the fact that it was too mind numbing for me but I got the general idea and this quick list just made my think of making my own list. Hmm, maybe if I did that next year I wouldn't feel like November's Gratitude challenge went too quickly....