Sunday, March 20, 2011

I'll make a farmer out of him yet!!! (wink wink)

* photo credit R. Libby

Another friend of mine has Nubian goats on her farm and being that it's the kidding season; everywhere except here... ::sigh:: ...I thought I'd pop in for a minute and take a quick peek at the kids born this past Tuesday, (another little black doe... ::sigh::) and lo and behold she'd had two more sets of twin does born today! So naturally I had to see them too...... Ron shocked the heck out of me when he said he'd like to go too, and not surprising all the babies flocked to him. :-) I love that about him, all babies seem to love him... Actually Ron's response to me making a farmer out of him was 'he can be an animal lover without being a farmer.' That's fine, I'm not trying to force him to be anything he doesn't want to be. God on the other hand may say differently... ;-)

The kids in the above picture are just a couple hours old and were adorable wobbling about on those long legs of theirs, and toppling over when they sneezed.

* photo credit R. Libby

Then there is this guy, whom Mom calls Hiram. No, he's not wearing dentures or those silly Halloween teeth or have a crazy under bite, it was just a fluke that this was the way his mouth was when the picture was snapped, but it's so funny I had to share it with you. Doesn't it make you laugh?!
* photo credit Ron Dexter

And there is this little one, such a sweetie, just a little bity doeling who just may have to be a future cast member... :-)

With all the does being born this year and the fact that one of the bucks I used - er well, that was used on my does generally throws girls I'm optimistic that we'll get at least one doe, I hope! But we'll find out for sure in about 2 weeks!


  1. They are just too cute! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we'll have at least one kidding on the farm this year. And I agree, there is something special about a man that attracts babies. They just seem to sense something.

    Have a great week.

  2. I just love it when tough and manly goes out the window when cute and cuddly jumps up in their lap! :0)

  3. Well said ladies! 'Tis true on both accounts

  4. How can you not love animals of any kind? It tears me apart when we come across one who has been abused. There is no sense in it.

  5. that's how I feel about children too, especially when I was put here to do something about it.


So what's the view from your world about that? I'd enjoy hearing it.