Friday, March 23, 2012


We went to the doc's today for a check up and an up date with the results of Ron's most recent MRI. We had anticipated good news but what we got was more than that! As some of you are aware we've been dealing with some major health issues with my husband, without going into oodles of info, in July they found a grapefruit sized tumor in the retroperitoneal area which after being told twice that it was cancer turns out that it isn't! Even better than that; which  rightly so was pretty damn good news, was hearing that according to the latest MRI it is now the size of a blueberry!! He credits it to the raw food, juicing, love, prayers, and meds. And the cherry on this was that the doc told us that Ron was responding to treatment far far far better than even he'd expected! We both walked out of the office on a cloud and a smile a mile wide!


  1. Congratulations that must be a heavy weight off your shoulders. Happy Easter and enjoy Spring.

  2. Well, hell. I have to say even though I don't know you and Ron I could not be more thrilled for you both, and for your family. That good news is the best thing I've heard in awhile and it gives us all faith to hear good things happening for good people. Huge congrats!!

  3. Barb, the grunt!Saturday, March 24, 2012

    Praise indeed! Wonderful news dear ones.

  4. Thanks everyone. It's been a challenge, but the support we've received has been incredible.

  5. YAY! I know I'm kinda late to this particular party, as I am catching up on blog reading, and, to make it worse, I'm reading your posts in reverse order, but STILL want to say "YAY" and "God is indeed good!" Thankful.


So what's the view from your world about that? I'd enjoy hearing it.