When you're desperate - you punt! I was desperate! I'm about a month behind on planting and I've moved the garden to a much bigger location. The old location was very small for what I want to do and didn't really get enough sunlight because of the huge old oak tree to the west of it. I'm not about to cut that down beside it's the best place for hanging the tire swing.
This is the area that was really overgrown last year, so we ran the pigs in there, and what a wonderful job they did eating the grass, weeds and rototilling by rooting it all up. Nature doesn't like bare open ground so by being a month behind schedule there was lots of bare ground that was fair game as far as weeds and grass were concerned. So I borrowed my brother-in-law's spring tooth harrow (that "old fashioned" as Andrew calls it - piece of equipment behind the truck) having used one with great success before I knew it would work. Only problem was that the wallows or nests that the pigs had made were too deep for me to drive the tractor over with the mowing deck on. I nearly burst into tears out of frustration. I walked into the house defeated and told Ron my woes. He brilliantly suggested I use my truck in 4WD! I never pass up the chance to drive my truck, I LOVE driving it. So I grabbed the keys, a chain that I'd used to haul out some logs (with my truck) a couple years back and went to work. It worked great, I cranked the harrow way down so it would really dig it up and was even able to smooth out all the wallows from the pigs! Once that was done I knew from past experience that I'd be able to pull it with the tractor. Yea!
Now that that was done, (I am forever thankful for the harrow), we could plant! I've got big plans, but have to first see how things go and grow here this year. Andrew has big plans too, he wants to have a vegetable stand. Great idea, right? well we only have 5 people on out entire road and we're so far off the beaten path that he'll likely have to tweak it just a bit. I'm sure he'll figure out a way to work it. Ha! He'll soon have Buckley harness broke and driving and plans to build his own goat cart, he'll likely be driving his cart to all the neighbors veggies in tow - how will they be able to say no to that?! Watch out world, Andrew's coming!

Very cool! Way to go Andrew! Your corn will be amazing this year. What a great idea using the truck to start. - Kellys in KY.
ReplyDeleteOur Irish Wolfhound, aka Mr. Big, is the official supervisor of garden work in this household. He follows me around as I water the gardens and is always hopeful a bit of produce will come his way!
Looks like a bumper crop of happy smiles already!
ReplyDeleteWe got almost all of the garden planted yesterday, even had some room for some food for the soul - flowers! If everything comes up and does well we'll have lots of food! Yea! If it comes up and doesn't do well we'll still have lots of food! Our garden is HUGE! I planted a whole package and a half of both zucchini AND summer squash, around the time that that comes in is the only time in Maine when people lock their doors! The way I figure it is we have two pigs who need to eat if we have too much or cannot use or freeze it all. I'm hopeful for a nice harvest - given that it's 2011 and things haven't gone exactly as planned..... I'll just wait and see.
ReplyDeletelooks great! so happy that the harrow works!