Friday, October 18, 2013

Long overdue

Wow. What a whirlwind of a summer, well for a bit now.

We participated in some farmers markets last year some were good, some not worth our time but it was a part of the learning curve of farming and finding our place in the world. That led to discussions about goats that were born this spring and what my plans were for all the milk that comes with having 6 milkers which led to more markets, getting my dairy license and a ton of cheese making! These markets were wayyyyyy better than the ones I tried last year but I was also offering dairy products so that helped and the location was different as well. Like I said, we are now a state licensed and inspected dairy and I couldn't be more thrilled with that, as hard as certain aspects of that are it has been a huge blessing. We've met some great people in our travels this summer and I'm glad to have been able to do that.

The kids and I were invited out on a working Maine lobster boat. Damn, that is seriously hard work. Loved everything about it, well almost everything, the smell of the bait and the seasickness that came along with it wasn't ideal, but made for a complete experience. Don't you ever complain about the price of lobster to the person who hauls it out of the ocean til you've actually been out and done it.

We had some heartbreak this kidding season as well and I'm told that if you are in goats for any length of time you'll experience it all, the good and the bad. Well I'm really hoping not to have another year like this one ever, but if it is my lot I suppose I'll take it and be glad for the lessons it teaches.

My husband's health is holding steady and I thank you for your concern, that means a lot.

Hoping to get a new camera soon as on one of our days off this summer I took the kids panning for gold and slipped in the river and ruined the one we had. SO mad at myself for that, but I didn't get hurt and easily could have so I'll take a ruined camera over that.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are doing well (esp. your husband). We had some sadness with lambs this year with none of our summer lambs living. It's part of raising livestock. Makes the good even better.
    Hope you have a wonderful fall. Enjoy the goats!


So what's the view from your world about that? I'd enjoy hearing it.