Friday, November 18, 2011

preparations under way!

We are steadily preparing for our Open Farm Day this weekend, the wreaths are made and hung, the lights and garlands are up in the barn and the animals have been put on alert. We told them to expect to be highly adored - by loads of people other than us! ;-)


  1. oooooooo looks sooooo festive!!! Kiddos can't wait to love on the critters...

  2. Sounds like it is going to be lots of fun! Nice arrangement of the wreaths too! - Kelly's Adv in KY.

  3. Hi! I emailed you but I am not sure that you got it. We want to come for a visit, not sure if we can make it to open farm day. Brownyn is preparing for her goats to come home (She enjoyed seeing you at Goat School!) Can you email me when you get a sec, so I can make sure I have your correct Email Addy? Cathy Gray


So what's the view from your world about that? I'd enjoy hearing it.